Electric garage door openers are a wonderful convenience for many homeowners; however they should not be taken for granted. National statistics document thousands of injuries annually related to door accidents. In many cases poor garage door repair or maintenance can be attributed as a cause. The risks can be minimized with some basic precautions.
The remote:
Remote controls are an integral component of any garage door opener. However many homeowners failed to take basic precautions with their remotes. You should treat your remote as you would a key, never leave it on display in your vehicle or allow children to play with it.
Since children are at great risk of accident or injury, it is worth taking the time to teach them about the risks and dangers of the opener system. Children should be aware of the potential dangers, including not touching the various garage door parts which move as the door is operated. Don't allow children to play underneath an open garage door, if possible have wall controls inside the garage located out of reach and ensure children understand the opener is not a toy.
It is advisable for every homeowner to inspect their opener system each month. This need not involve significant DIY skills, as even basic monitoring of the function can allow potential issues to be diagnosed. The door should open smoothly without jerking or excessive noise, if it fails to do this there could potentially be a problem with the garage door track, rollers or cables which could cause an accident.
Automated openers can be a real asset to any home; they provide convenience and ease of use. However, homeowners should remember that the door itself weighs a great deal, so extra care should always be taken. These basic precautions can minimize the risk of accident and ensure the safe and effective function of your opener.